25 km
I had called Bentley's, my favourite hotel in Colaba, twice to try book a room, but they were fully booked already. So when I cycled out of Bhandra this morning I did not know where I would find a place to stay. I planned to try Prossers first and then Carlton, both of which I have stayed at long ago.
Two years ago I had cycled up from Colaba to Bhandra after breakfast, and found it easier than expected to ride in this huge city. This time though I was going in the other direction and I was caught up in the morning rush heading downtown.
I had fed my Garmin Gps with the adress for Bentley's, the nearest waypoint I had. The other hotels are fairly close by. For some reason the Garmin sent me on a couple of odd detours already quite far up North. And then further South was hellbent on me taking Marine Drive before homing in on Colaba Causeway. After a while I changed the Garmin to "Off Road mode" and only point me in a general direction where I should aim. That was better and I could just take any road that did not have too much traffic. Still I ended up in several real jams, and I also managed to knock over a wheelbarrow loaded with fresh concrete, at a place where there was road construction going on. It nearly flipped me over too, and my left pannier came off its hooks.

Eventually I found Prossers, and it was closed, locked with a chain. So off to Carlton. Here I got a room! Trusty old Carlton, used to be one of the rougher places in this part of town. This place always had a lot of character. The reception used to look like something out of a 30's Hollywood movie. I often thought it would fit right in if Humphrey Bogart would come down the stairs in a long white smoking jacket, bogarting a fag.

Now Carlton has been renovated. It has been done pretty good. The outside of the building looks quite the same, the balconies are still here. But the rooms have been spruced up and many fitted with A/C and fine bathrooms. The price has inevitably gone up too. I pay 2500 Rs for single occupancy of a good double room. Unfortunately the reception is not nearly as charming as it was. But the staff is very friendly and helpful. I have my bike on a rear balcony, along with other leftover stuff that Indians keep.
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