76 km (incl some 15-20 km looking for a room at Tarkali beach)
I had asked to have breakfast at 0800 this morning at the Galaxy. I had my alarm at 0730 and was ready to eat by 8. At 0815 I went downstairs to ask why breakfast had not yet come up. Both the manager and the cook were in the reception reading newspapers, as if nothing had happened.
-Wait ten minutes they said, go to your room and it will be brought up.
-No thanks I'll wait right here.
-Sit down.
-No thanks I'll stand right here.
Eventually my omelette was ready about 0845, and the tea ten minutes later. Took the tea on my balcony, and hit the road by 0930.
It was great sleeping with the large balcony door open. I loved hearing the sounds of waves when I went to bed. It was still warm then, but I did expect to wake up in the wee hours needing to close that door. Nothing doing though. It was still warm when daylight woke me up.
Todays cycling had many hills, up and down, hot and dry. I still feel my legs being tired from previous long days. I had hoped to make this a short day. It did not really turn out that way. I was in Malvan around 2 PM. Nice town/village. But then there is another 8 km to Tarkali Beach. And it took me a long time and several rides along various roads behind the beach before I finally settled on Babla's Beach House.
From others I had suggestions for Sun'n Surf GH, Manali GH, and Cosy Nook GH. I only saw Manali, and did not find it particularly inviting. In the end my exploring Tarkali Beach came to be an ever more desperate search for somewhere that was not outright ridiculous where I could move in and rest my sore ass.
There are loads of resorts here. But by far the most of them are several hundred meters in from the beach, often on the far side of the road to boot. That is not my idea of staying by the beach, particularly as I meant to stay two nights. At long last I found this Babla's, and I am very pleased to be here. It is right behind the beach, there are hammocks strung up between palm trees, and I can hear the waves. Plus I got lovely food, the landlady is sweet, and there is a German Shephard dog. He barked at me first but we have now become good friends. I love having a dog at my guest house.
700 Rs, hot water, and clean. Nice!

Next day I take a long walk on the beach and spot some very nice bungalows in a palm grove. It is the Mtdc Resort. I have lunch in the attached restaurant. Very good Thali in the Malvan style. The spices used are almost exactly the same as I get at Babla's.
I enquire at the reception on prices for bungalows. They are 2500 Rs.

En vecka kvar till 'Carnaval rio de janeiro 2102'. Man borde vara där.
Här kan du se nuvarande
sjömanskyrkan i rio de janeiro:
Tror att det är gamla konsulatets boning.
Tjena Perra,
Jag har lite för långsam connection för att kolla på Youtube-klipp, tar det senare.
Vore kul med en Riokarneval förvisso, men det är rätt kul i Goa också.
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