115 km, ave 15,5, total 1292.
I had my first flat for this trip today. Arrived very dusty and tired. Still it was a lovely cycling day along The Mekong.
One can either take the big road, hghwy #7, via Skun, where restaurants serve roasted spiders for lunch, or the dirt track along the river. There have been many reports on the horrors of doing the river dirt track in monsoon conditions, and I can imagine it being really muddy then. But now in early January, at the height of the dry season, it was very good. Dusty at times, indeed, but not too bad. I met or was overtaken by some 15 cars today, of various sizes. And they did pull up dust! Plus there were quite a few motorcycles too going in both directions. They are not all dust free either.

The first 17 km from Phnom Penh, 154 st, was on the main road, Japanese bridge and all. Then I saw a sign towards an 'oil terminal' and decided to ride down to the river just to see. Voila, there was the dirt track leading to Kompong Cham!
For the next 25 kms or so I was in cyclist heaven. A perfectly smooth dirt track, as wide as a country road, and beautifully set a little bit behind the river. It is a well populated area. Not strange with the mighty Mekong river providing as much water as any farmer could wish for, and fish of course. It is also not far at all from Phnom Penh.

Several times the dirt track was interrupted by a large factory of sorts, and I had to go out on the asphalted road for a bit. But at first opportunity I swung back towards the river again.
Further on the quality of the track varied rather a lot. Sections of it was a good bit more bumpy than I would have wanted, but still to my mind a lot better than going to Skun, and eat spiders. Yaacchh!
I had stopped at a small coffee shop for a tasty glass of ice coffee. When I should leave I realised that my front wheel had a flat tire.
At least the front one is easier than the rear. No need to take off panniers and turn the bike upside down. I just took off the wheel and let the bike rest on its fork while leaning against a nearby wall. In less than half an hour I was up and running again.

Now at the lovely Mekong Hotel in Kompong Cham. Air con, hot water, fridge, wifi and a huge balcony out towards the river. 15$
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