97 km
Where are the Dutch when you need them?
Mosts cyclists I have talked to on this trip have, of course, been Dutch. They surely are a cycling people! It seems they are members of a cycling club that organizes tours, at least in SE Asia, but probably also elsewhere. It seems to be a good setup. They are bunched together for getting a group deal on airfare and are issued with a little booklet with several different tours in the region, and are then free to go their own different ways according to personal choice and how long days they like to have. Eventually they meet again for the flight home. Not bad. Group economy and individual freedom at the same time.
Anyway I have met quite a few and always take the opportunity to ask people coming from the other direction how the road is, where have they stayed etc. Several of them are a bit reluctant to share specifc info on guest houses as if that is a secret to be kept among their club only. I have to squeeze it out of them.

Alas, the last several days I have not met any Dutch, or other cyclists for that matter, at all. I had hoped to not have to do another 100 km day. In the end I did ride all the way to Phon Phisay, and it was good. It is a good little town with several small hotels, mostly with only Thai signboards. I have come to check on places with the figures 24 on them. I believe it says something about 24 hours check out. Anyway it has worked quite well to help me find places to stay in non-tourist areas. The place I stayed in Phon Phisay was great, but I could not tell you its name since I don't read Thai. 300 Baht, exceptionally clean, and very nice woman in the reception. I had only stopped outside to look at it when she came running out and asked if I wanted a room. Later I found a nice little restaurant along the river that woked me a lovely Tofu and vegetables dinner.
Tja Albin, visste inte att dú var ute och reste.
Har inte läst allt men skall göra det senare. Perra
Tja Albin.
Hojjar du förbi Phuket den 4 april 2011 så kan du få äran att gå caddie åt mig. Häsninga Perra
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